Firesheep, meet BlackSheep. The Firesheep Firefox extension makes it a simple point-and-click operation to hijack the unsecured Web session of anyone on the same unprotected Wi-Fi hotspot network using any… Read the rest of the article: Baa, Baa, BlackSheep, Have You Any w001?
Glenn Fleishman -
Glenn Fleishman A press release arrived in my inbox a couple days ago in which a CEO, facing a major change in his line of business, promised to continue to work for… Read the rest of the article: Eight Days a Week
Glenn Fleishman The Cooks Source brouhaha has turned into at least one positive outcome. One advertiser in the publication, 2nd Street Bakery in Turners Falls, Mass., quickly contacted Cooks Source to pull… Read the rest of the article: Turn Lemon Bars into Lemonade
Glenn Fleishman Cellular carriers' competing claims as to what constitutes 4G (fourth-generation) cellular data networks got me to thinking about how speed is only one part of the story about why allegedly… Read the rest of the article: What We Talk about When We Talk about Bandwidth
Glenn Fleishman John Gruber at Daring Fireball has a clever workaround for when you want to have Flash available on demand on a Mac, but don't want it installed by default in… Read the rest of the article: Chrome Lets You Remove Your Flash and Have It, Too
Glenn Fleishman The geniuses at ThinkGeek have a new one: the spycam T-shirt. The Electronic Spy Camera Shirt ($39.99) pulls a Purloined Letter by placing the camera's lens in the silkscreened shirt's… Read the rest of the article: Quis Custodiet Ipsos T-Shirts?
Glenn Fleishman The glorious Ed Felten, Princeton professor and RIAA taunter extraordinaire–"Your DRM smells of elderberries, ha!"–has been appointed the Federal Trade Commission's first Chief Technologist. He will advise the agency on… Read the rest of the article: Ed Felten pwns FTC
Glenn Fleishman I'm a 2D tag freak. These squares of dots and rectangles seem as exotic as hieroglyphics, even though they're as mundane as yesterday's junk mail. A 2D tag (sometimes called… Read the rest of the article: Digital Semaphore: the 2D Tag
Glenn Fleishman The Kickstarter crowdfunding for Glif, an iPhone 4 tripod adapter, is a few hours from ending. The two designers hoped to raise $10,000 over 30 days to fund a few… Read the rest of the article: Choosy Phones Choose Glif
Glenn Fleishman Apropos of Maggie's entry on whether people would be willing to go to Mars if they knew they could never return, the eerily aptly named Roman Mars filed a radio… Read the rest of the article: Roman Mars on One-Way Trip to Mars
Glenn Fleishman A VLC developer has filed a copyright complaint against Apple for the way in which the free VLC player app is being distributed in the iOS App Store. Macworld explains… Read the rest of the article: VLC Player App May Violate GPL
Glenn Fleishman I know that when I need to post updates to my latest regressions of Shakespeare back into his native Klingon, I turn to the exolinguist's best friend: the Mac coding… Read the rest of the article: Today Is a Good Day to Edit
Glenn Fleishman A smorgasbord of signs that resembled T-shirt slogans popped up at the Stewart/Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear. Buzzfeed assembled a top 100 list from Flickr, many of which involve mild… Read the rest of the article: Pastafarians Represented at Sanity/Fear Rally
Glenn Fleishman Aram Bartholl is mortaring USB drives into walls, curbs, and buildings around New York. These dead drops, as he terms them, are peer-to-peer file transfer points with true anonymity. Bartholl… Read the rest of the article: You Can't Tell Your USB from a Hole in the Wall
Glenn Fleishman Scott Rosenberg and company's Media Bugs has expanded its correction-accepting Web site from San Francisco newspapers and publications to the whole United States. The site functions as a public and… Read the rest of the article: They Regress the Error
Glenn Fleishman What is the lethal level of caffeine consumption? Apparently, it's somewhere below "spoonfuls" of a caffeine supplement that a British man purchased over the Internet. Papers around the world are… Read the rest of the article: Caffeine Kills
Glenn Fleishman Apple embraced its inner Martha Stewart by adding a letterpress option for ordering photo cards from its iPhoto '11 software. The cards are printed in bulk by letterpress with one… Read the rest of the article: A Close Look at Apple's Letterpress Cards
Glenn Fleishman Photo: Prasad Kholkute Firesheep should freak you out, at least for a moment. It's a Firefox extension that lets any normal human being–I'm not talking about you, BoingBoing readers–install the… Read the rest of the article: Liar, Liar, Sheep on Fire
Glenn Fleishman I admire Sheila C. Bair, the chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, more than any other official in government. Ms. Bair's actions during the financial meltdown in 2008 and… Read the rest of the article: Refutation of a children's book
Glenn Fleishman Photo: Roman Pinzon-Soto RealNetworks just screwed us all by settling lawsuits in which it might have lost–but which might also have given some new life to fair use for digital… Read the rest of the article: When RealNetworks Settled on DVD Copying, We All Lost