Fess Parker – Ballad of Davy Crockett (1955) Watch this video on YouTube. Legendary American explorer, soldier, and folk hero Davy Crockett (1786-1836) may be known as the "King of… Read the rest of the article: That time Davy Crockett met Bigfoot

Fess Parker – Ballad of Davy Crockett (1955) Watch this video on YouTube. Legendary American explorer, soldier, and folk hero Davy Crockett (1786-1836) may be known as the "King of… Read the rest of the article: That time Davy Crockett met Bigfoot
Using the ‘shadow-effect’ to generate electricity | Shadow-effect Energy Generator (SEG) Watch this video on YouTube. In most approaches to convert light into electricity, shadows are a bummer. Now though,… Read the rest of the article: Scientists generate electricity from shadows
Watch this video on YouTube. "Pass this tip on your friends too." (via r/ObscureMedia)
On Thursday night, punctuating the uprising against racial injustice, lightning struck the Washington Monument. A separate lightning strike near the White House that evening severely injured two soldiers from the… Read the rest of the article: Watch lightning hit the Washington Monument
Seeking the Hidden Treasure of the Rocky Mountains Watch this video on YouTube. A decade ago, Santa Fe author and antiques dealer Forrest Fenn, 89, hid a treasure chest containing… Read the rest of the article: Someone found the $1 million treasure chest in the Rocky Mountains
Zachary Watkins: Peace Be Till (excerpt), feat. Dr. Clarence B. Jones, performed by Kronos Quartet Watch this video on YouTube. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote his iconic… Read the rest of the article: This is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "symphony of social justice"
Band on a Couch – The Vaudevillian Returns Watch this video on YouTube. From Hamilton, Ontario, it's The Vaudevillian, an old-timey ragtimey troupe! Below, a clip from last week with… Read the rest of the article: Enjoy some old-timey, ragtimey music from The Vaudevillian
Experimental fashion designer Anouk Wipprecht—most famous for her Robotic Spider Dress from a few years ago—has now created the Proximity Dress to help with physical distancing during the pandemic. The… Read the rest of the article: Fashion designer's robotic "Proximity Dress" automatically poofs out for physical distancing from the wearer
Université de Sherbrooke engineers demonstrated a wearable robotic third arm that weighs about the same as a human arm. According to Evan Ackerman writing in IEEE Spectrum, waist-worn hydraulic limb… Read the rest of the article: Wearable robotic "third arm" can punch through a wall
Wound Healing Time Lapse Watch this video on YouTube. Time heals all wounds? Marvel at this 33-day time-lapse of a wound healing. The human body is magic. (Thanks, Harlow Sparks-Pescovitz!)
LED ZEPPELIN (Whole Lotta Love) on Acoustic Guitar – Luca Stricagnoli – Fingerstyle Guitar Watch this video on YouTube. To paraphrase one YouTube commenter, innovative acoustic guitar maestro Luca Stricagnoli… Read the rest of the article: Astounding acoustic guitar cover of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love"
Sega Announces Palm-Sized Game Gear Micro Console – IGN Now Watch this video on YouTube. Pegged on SEGA's 60th anniversary, the company announced a tiny version of their Game Gear… Read the rest of the article: SEGA announces Game Gear Micro version of their classic 1990s handheld console
Spanish police arrested Nacho Vidal — a porn star with a side hustle making penis candles — for suspected manslaughter following a "mystic ritual" in which participants smoked the psychedelic… Read the rest of the article: Porn star who makes penis candles arrested for murder after psychedelic toad venom ritual
Residents of Magangué, Colombia recently broke the compulsory quarantine to visit Jesus Christ who was hanging out in a tree. Praise be to pareidolia. From a El Tiempo via Google… Read the rest of the article: Jesus Christ appears in a Colombian tree
Yesterday, Ella Jones became the first black, and first female, elected mayor of Ferguson, Missouri where an uprising kicked off in 2014 after a white police officer shot and killed… Read the rest of the article: Ferguson, Missouri elected its first black mayor who is also the first female mayor
Leonard Nimoy – Star Trek Memories (color enhanced) Documentary Watch this video on YouTube. In 1984, Leonard Nimoy produced and starred in "Star Trek Memories," a TV special in which… Read the rest of the article: Watch Leonard Nimoy's 1983 TV documentary about Mr. Spock and Star Trek
Cat vs Ninja Rat || ViralHog Watch this video on YouTube. A bit of a cliffhanger, although I feel like the cat is not particularly impressed by Splinter's flashy fighting… Read the rest of the article: Watch this street fight: Ninja rat vs. cat
Coronavirus Q&A With Anthony Fauci, MD – June 2, 2020 Watch this video on YouTube. In a new interview with the Journal of the American Medical Association above, Anthony Fauci,… Read the rest of the article: Fauci expects COVID-19 vaccine by end of the year, 100 million doses to be ready in the US
3 Brothers-Radio Raheem, Eric Garner And George Floyd. pic.twitter.com/EB0cXQELzE — Spike Lee (@SpikeLeeJoint) June 1, 2020 Spike Lee released the above short film, "3 Brothers," combining footage of the arrests… Read the rest of the article: Watch Spike Lee's new short film combining "Do the Right Thing" with George Floyd and Eric Garner footage
AskSmithsonian always has a fascinating and eclectic collection of reader questions and answers from Smithsonian Institutions experts on topics ranging from scientific phenomena to art history to pop culture. (What… Read the rest of the article: Do libraries fumigate books to disinfect them?