The similarities between this gorilla mama gently kissing and holding her baby and that of a human mama is striking.
Carla Sinclair -
Carla Sinclair NASA recently gave Lockheed Martin 247.5-million dollars to create a supersonic plane – without the supersonic boom.
Carla Sinclair You'll Be Surprised These Realistic Prosthetics Are Fake Watch this video on YouTube. Dianceht is a company in Mexico that makes such realistic prosthetic body parts, it's almost impossible to… Read the rest of the article: These prosthetic fingers, toes and ears are so real you can't tell they're fake
Carla Sinclair If you only wash your hands after using the bathroom, think again. It's not just toilets and bathroom hand-dryers that are loaded with poop particles. Sorry to burst your bubble,… Read the rest of the article: A list of poop-filled places beyond the bathroom
Carla Sinclair After a Royal Palm Beach man crashed his car, he wanted police officers to check his dashcam to prove it was the other driver's fault.
Carla Sinclair Earlier this week, residents in the middle of Stockholm, Sweden were greeted with a giant blue penis painted on the side of a 5-story-high building. The mural, titled "Fuck the… Read the rest of the article: Big blue penis painted legally on the side of building shocks Stockholm residents, who demand it be taken down
Carla Sinclair On Monday the FBI raided Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's office and home, and now some in the Trump camp worry that Cohen could have had tapes between himself and Trump.… Read the rest of the article: Some Republicans fear that Cohen had taped conversations between himself and Trump that were seized by FBI
Carla Sinclair Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is trying to stop the government from using information found in the FBI raid that occurred on Monday in his office and home. Cohen is asking… Read the rest of the article: Trump's lawyer Cohen trying to block information found in FBI raid with a restraining order
Carla Sinclair Lots of students like to listen to music while studying or taking tests.
Carla Sinclair Watch this video on YouTube. Two cats facing each other on a narrow ledge want to pass each other, but it isn't easy.
Carla Sinclair Meet the Ethiopian man who walks on his hands – BBC News Watch this video on YouTube. Dirar Abohoy has been walking on his hands since he was nine years… Read the rest of the article: Watch: Man walks on hands for six hours a day and can do just about anything upside-down
Carla Sinclair Most of us make several, if not dozens of attempts to stick the wet tip of a thread into a needle's minuscule hole, and what I don't understand is why… Read the rest of the article: This much easier way of threading a needle works like magic
Carla Sinclair Watch this video on YouTube. Kern County, California has the highest rate of killings by cops in the United States, and now we can see why. A just-released video from… Read the rest of the article: Despicable California sheriff says it's "better financially" to kill suspects rather than "cripple" them
Carla Sinclair Actor T.J. Miller, who played Erlich Bachman in HBO's Silicon Valley, was arrested last night at La Guardia airport for calling in a fake bomb threat from an Amtrak train.… Read the rest of the article: "Silicon Valley" actor TJ Miller arrested for fake bomb threat
Carla Sinclair 112 Year Old Japanese Man Recognized as the Oldest Man Living Watch this video on YouTube. Guinness World Records just made it official: the title of "Oldest Person Living (male)"… Read the rest of the article: Oldest man on earth celebrates his new Guinness World Record title with a piece of cake
Carla Sinclair Flamenco Dance Lessons | Wheel of Fortune Watch this video on YouTube. Flamenco is a style of music and dance, and it also means – and sounds like – flamingo… Read the rest of the article: Watch: Wheel of Fortune contestant is utterly confused when he loses big bucks for pronouncing "flamenco" wrong
Carla Sinclair UPDATE 4/12/2018: Yes, Fox did accidentally put up the wrong poll graphic, but Fox has since pointed out that the confusing graphic wasn't actually showing that Fox is the least… Read the rest of the article: Fox News accidentally puts up a poll graphic that shows how they are the least trusted network
Carla Sinclair Today the FBI raided the office of Trump's longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen. They seized various documents, including information related to porn actress Stormy Daniels, aka Stephanie Clifford. According… Read the rest of the article: FBI raids the office of Trump's longtime lawyer Michael Cohen
Carla Sinclair Sitting on a commercial sidewalk in Monroe, Washington can land you in jail for 90 days as well as set you back $1,000. If you need a sit-down, play it… Read the rest of the article: Sit on this Washington sidewalk and face a $1,000 fine plus 90 days in jail
Carla Sinclair Topless Woman Charges Bill Cosby at Retrial Watch this video on YouTube. A topless woman with "women's lives matter" written across her chest jumped over a barrier and ran towards… Read the rest of the article: Topless protester who ran towards Bill Cosby at his retrial is arrested