HOWTO make a batpole flip-top bust switch

Inspired by Batman's batpole-switch hidden inside a flip-up bust of Shakespeare, The New Hobbyist decided to recreate the effect with a wireless light switch and a bust of old Ludwig Van.

Like all good projects this one started with cutting off someone's head with a band saw. In this case Ludwig van Beethoven was the unfortunate soul to have his head separated from his body. From what I can tell, the hard outer shell was a fiberglass like material while the inside was a poured porous plaster. The plaster created a terrific mess but was pretty easy to chisel out to make room for electronics. After chiseling, I gave the plaster a nice coat of Elmer's glue to reduce the amount of plaster dust leaking from Ludwig's orifices. I also cut and stained a piece of plywood to act as a mount for the push button and hide the plaster.

The next step was finding a cheap 12v power supply to drive the relay. I used an old power supply I had lying around, I also picked up a cheap 6 plug power strip and removed enough of the outer shield to cut into the positive (120v) line. This was extended and plugged into the relay board. Additionally I removed the wireless remote from it's plastic casing and soldered the push button to the PCB. After mounting the push button on the plywood insert I added an extra bead of hot glue around all the connections for added support, including the battery on the remote.

Wireless light switch or bust

(via Neatorama)