Krull: the movie… and the wedding

 Wp-Content Uploads 2010 08 Krull-Wedding2
In 1983, a dozen couples traveled to a Burbank soundstage to be married in a group wedding themed around the science fiction/fantasy film Krull. They had won a national essay contest by revealing “why their ‘Fantasy Come True’ would be to have a ‘Krull’ wedding in Hollywood." It's not clear what would have inspired that fantasy considering the film wasn't even released yet. From Tim Kirk's write-up in The Moving Arts on the Krull wedding promotion:

One after another, they walked past a pair of futuristic soldiers in fanciful armor, down a red carpet flanked by strangers in folding chairs, and up to an altar made of faux stone. These were the lucky winners of a national contest sponsored by Columbia Pictures. They had penned the winning statements describing, as the studio’s press release states, “why their ‘Fantasy Come True’ would be to have a ‘Krull’ wedding in Hollywood…"

This promotion was largely ignored by the press. The film had a poor opening weekend and suffered dreadful reviews. Variety called it a “blatantly derivative hodgepodge of Excalibur meets Star Wars.”  The BBC chimed, “a sub standard space opera with pretensions to being a British Star Wars.”  The idea of running a feature on the “Krull” Weddings, and photos of the participants, next to a scathing review of the film seems downright cruel. It is probable that the studio realized that rolling out some photos of folks getting married in the manner of a scene in a film that no one saw wouldn’t do much to resuscitate ticket sales. The promotion was dropped.

‘Krull’ Weddings: The Awkward Teenage Years of Movie Marketing (Thanks, Rodney Ascher!)