Wuhan woman boasts about beating coronavirus check so she could fly to Paris for Michelin-star meal

The Chinese embassy in Paris has located the woman who bragged about taking pills to reduce her fever so she could fly from Wuhan to Lyon to enjoy a meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant, reports The Telegraph.

The woman posted on WeChat: "Finally I can have a good meal, I feel like I've been starving for two days. When you are in a gourmet city of course you have to eat Michelin [food]. Just before I left, I had a low fever and cough. I was scared to death and rushed to eat [fever-reducing] medicine. I kept on checking my temperature. Luckily I managed to get it down and my exit was smooth."

She also posted photos of her gourmet meal:

From the article:

The embassy later confirmed that her symptoms were under control.

“She claimed that in the past few days, she has taken her temperature regularly and that now she no longer has any fever or cough symptoms,” it said in a statement.

“She confirms that she has already phoned 15 (for emergency medical care) and that French medical services told her that without symptoms of fever or pain, she doesn't need to be examined."

Image: WeChat via Twitter