Kickstart a high-paying career in IT with this CompTIA training bundle

More and more people are flocking to a wide variety of careers in IT, thanks mostly to the high pay, plentiful advancement opportunities, and an exciting atmosphere that offers new challenges every day.

The only problem is that this high demand means competition can be fierce if you're entering the job market for the first time, and you need to have the right certifications on your resume if you want to land the best jobs.

With brand new material that covers every element of the latest 2020 exams, the Complete 2020 CompTIA Certification Training Bundle will help you earn top-salaries as an IT pro, and it’s available for 97% off its usual price.

With 14 expert-led courses, this bundle will introduce you to both the basics and more advanced elements of everything from server infrastructure to cybersecurity and beyond.

These courses will give you the skills you need to ace the exams for the CompTIA A+, Network+, Server+, Linux+, Cloud+, and Project+ certifications—all through training that focuses on in-demand networking technologies, cyber security, and much more.

There’s also instruction that will help you pass the Security+, CySA+, and PenTest+ certifications, and there are plenty of practice exam questions to ensure that there aren’t any surprises when it comes time to sit for the real thing.

You'll also receive extensive training in the field of network security and maintenance—skills that are in growing demand across countless industries in both the public and private sectors.

Launch or further an exciting and lucrative career in IT with help from the Complete 2020 CompTIA Certification Training Bundle. Usually priced at over $3,400, this comprehensive training package is available for just $89—97% off its usual price today.

Prices are subject to change.

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