Devo frontman: "I smoked angel dust with Michael Jackson and Andy Warhol"

Paul Krassner once took acid with Groucho Marx. Similarly Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh recounts smoking PCP with Michael Jackson and Andy Warhol. From The Big Issue:

 152 348024199 605F444B7B O“The only time in my life I smoked angel dust was by accident and it was on a double date with Andy Warhol and Michael Jackson,” laughs Mothersbaugh. “We all went to Studio 54 and people were passing drugs all over the place.

“Michael Jackson had just finished doing the movie The Wiz and still looked like Michael Jackson back then – he had an Afro and he was still black. He passed me a joint and I thought, well OK, we don’t have marijuana in Ohio so I’ll try it.”

Minutes later Mothersbaugh found himself on the dancefloor as pillars of light were swirling around “like weedcutters” knocking people over and cutting them up. He turned to his date in horror, only to hear her say: “You didn’t smoke any of that angel dust did you?”

Mark Mothersbaugh: "I smoked angel dust with Michael Jackson and Andy Warhol" (Via DoseNation)

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