Watch this guy solve a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube in under half a second

Official 2x2 Rubik's Cube 0.49 WR Single by Maciej Czapiewski.

Official 2x2 Rubik's Cube 0.49 WR Single by Maciej Czapiewski. Watch this video on YouTube. Maciej Czapiewski set the world record when he solved this 2x2x2 cube at the Grudziądz…

Maciej Czapiewski set the world record when he solved this 2x2x2 cube at the Grudziądz Open. At this size, there's a bit of luck of the draw, but the skill is undeniable.

Cubers at this level have notations for the scrambles and solutions. In this case, it was:

Scramble: U' R F R U R F' U' R2 U' F
Solution: x y' U' R U R'

He also recently set the 2×2 world record average:

2x2 1.35 World Record Average - Maciej Czapiewski

Official 2×2 Rubik's Cube 0.49 WR Single by Maciej Czapiewski (YouTube / Maciej Czapiewski)