A mystery Instagram account is only following people named "Paul Williams"

A 19-year-old named Paul Williams discovered someone named "LisaJames419419" had started following him on Instagram. He idly checked her account and found … she was following dozens and dozens of other people named Paul Williams. And only following people named Paul Williams! (Or ones with that name as a stem, as with "Williamsen".)

A bot, right? Except the original Williams messaged "LisaJames419419" and the account blocked him a few minutes later, which seems like unbotlike, human behavior.

Buzzfeed reports on the story and the theories that are now raging as to what the heck is going on, including:

  • looking for the father of her child
  • looking for a long-lost relative
  • stalking someone
  • FBI agent
  • "Lisa is the Terminator sent back in time to kill all Paul Williams(es)."
  • The actual photo used in the "LisaJames419419" account is the adult film star Briana Lee, "whose photos are widely used for catfishing and scamming online."