Cops raze art installation they thought was illicit cannabis farm

The grounds of the architectural biennial in Lyon France included Aire D’attente, an artistic revitalization of an abandoned lot that grew flax, barley, and hemp for making hempcrete. Cops destroyed…

The grounds of the architectural biennial in Lyon France included Aire D’attente, an artistic revitalization of an abandoned lot that grew flax, barley, and hemp for making hempcrete. Cops destroyed it after deciding the art was a pot farm.

The indoor part of the installation, pictured above, was not destroyed. The garden was supposed to be the site of the closing festivities until the cops got involved.

Via Claire Voon at Hyperallergic:

Far from being bowled over by this green gesture, however, officers on patrol reportedly sent a photo to the police station expressing suspicion. According to the police chief, his officers had thought that the plants were hemp, but he asked them to uproot the field anyway to avoid any confusion. As Le Progrès reported, the police explained that a simple sign describing the work would have helped.

Police Destroy Art Installation, Mistaking It for Cannabis Farm (Hyperallergic)