Custom Minecraft figs with glowing eyes and swords

Red Lava Toys is a Detroit-based startup that make super cool, low-cost custom Minecraft figs at a local makerspace: they CNC-milled their own injection molds for the body and joints,…

Red Lava Toys is a Detroit-based startup that make super cool, low-cost custom Minecraft figs at a local makerspace: they CNC-milled their own injection molds for the body and joints, and have precision die-cut vinyl stickers that they print to order with long-lasting ink and cover with a clear adhesive coat, then place them on the body of the toy.

Better still, they're 3D printing glowing swords and other accessories, and augmenting the heads with glowing eyes — prices range from $15-$20.

You can order from a variety of readymades, or give them your Minecraft username, or upload a skin and they'll print your character. They offer a full, 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

I picked up a couple of these at Detroit's Penguicon this weekend. They're really fantastic!

Red Lava Toys