Interviewing for Amazon: a literal Orwellian experience

Shivan, a computer science student in Montreal, applied for a job at Amazon; the second round interview was conducted remotely by a proctor from an online service called Proctor U…

Shivan, a computer science student in Montreal, applied for a job at Amazon; the second round interview was conducted remotely by a proctor from an online service called Proctor U who insisted that Shivan install a remote-access trojan on his computer that let the proctor completely control his machine; then he was made to use the camera on his laptop to give the proctor a view of his room and all the things in it (with the proctor barking orders at him to shift his belonging around to give a better view.

The process is literally Orwellian, an actual Telescreen that a worker can't turn off, from which an unaccountable petty authority figure barks orders.

After about 5 more rounds of “pick up your laptop and show a 360 degree view of your room” and “please show your floor, no sir, you need to get up from your chair and push it away and then show”, I’m allowed to start. I’m helpfully told that I can take one bathroom break, for 5 minutes, in between two tests…

Now, I understand that the proctor is just an employee. I understand that they’re following a protocol. So I wait. I ask at 5 minute intervals if I can leave and am told to wait “just a few minutes”. Finally after about 20 minutes of more waiting, the absurdity of what I’m doing – waiting to get access to my own machine – outweighs the patience I have for someone trying to do their job, and I click the “Revoke All Access” button, switch off my WiFi, turn my firewalls up to the max and delete all software they made me install.

Of course, I have no screenshots of this entire ordeal, because Big Brother turned off that privilege for me. I sent them an angry email, but based on my past experiences with Amazon recruiters, I’m certain I’m not getting a response.

'Clean your desk' : My Amazon interview experience
[Shivan Kaul Sahib/Pistachio Musings?]

(via Reddit)

(Image: Storm clouds, Cjohnson7, CC-BY)