Today at Boing Boing Gadgets… well, look. We're not going to lie to you. If you hate Apple and its products, today at Boing Boing Gadgets was your own personal
I mean, not that we didn't try to space the iPhone 2.0 / App Store news out with some less Jobs-centric filling. There were pet-tormenting insect bots and 12 volt USB power adapters. We observed the 46th birthday of satellite television and looked at a solar power Nissan. We looked at a truly beautiful laptop box. We checked out the first ever Commodore 64 LAN party and his-and-her Wiimote dildos. We even looked at totally stupid weaponry, a naked gyrating Wii Fit beefcake and a vintage 1982 news report on "The Pac-Man".
But Apple, Apple, Apple. Man, did we talk about Apple. You never saw so much Apple! We examined how Apple keeps third-party accessories off market with special licensing fees. We looked at turning your iPhone or iPod Touch into a neat little iTunes remote. We found out how Apple salesmen are supposed to hypnotize you into buying an iPhone. We wondered to do with an old, button-cute indigo iMac G3. We read some ebooks on our iPhone. We wondered which was the better iPhone app: ToDo or To Do? And Joel even spent all afternoon playing with iPhone apps and calling it work.
And the iPhone 3G hasn't even been released yet. Yeesh!