To do in Toronto: Create a Rey doll hackathon

Many people have noticed that the female lead character Rey is notably underrepresented in the tsunami of Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys.

Steamlabs, a maker space in Toronto, is hosting an open house on Family Day that's also a hackathon to make your own Rey doll. They're supplying the tools and materials to effect the transformations, too.

WHEN: Monday 15th February 10am-3pm (arrive before noon if you’d like to complete your doll in time!)

WHERE: STEAMLabs Community Maker Space, 49 Cameron Street (Queen & Spadina)

WHAT: Rey Doll Hackathon! We’ll set up multiple tool stations (sewing machines, LED electronics, 3D printing, craft, etc.) so you can make your way around the space and transform your doll in to a space warrior with the help of our volunteer staff.

HOW MUCH: $25 per participant or $20 if you bring your own doll. Helpers (family and friends) come free.