Unbelievably beautiful GIF art by DarkAngelØne

Adapted from the work of Gustavo Scheverin

DarkAngelØne. Adapted from the work of Gustavo Scheverin

DarkAngelØne creates gorgeous animations from the work of other artists.

Original artist unknown.

DarkAngelØne. Original artist unknown.

He has severely limited vision, and is almost blind. He uses various assistive devices so that he can create these GIFs. [Full list of credits at Cross Connect]


Adaptad from dimensao7

DarkAngelØne. Adaptad from dimensao7

Adapted from work by  Adam Martinakis

DarkAngelØne. Adapted from work by Adam Martinakis

Adrianna Williams, Corbis Photography

DarkAngelØne. Adapted from work by Adrianna Williams, Corbis Photography

Gregoire A. Meyer

DarkAngelØne. Adapted from work by Gregoire A. Meyer


DarkAngelØne. Original artist Unknown

Brandon Kidwell

DarkAngelØne. Adapted from work by Brandon Kidwell

Chris Frazer Smith

DarkAngelØne. Adapted from work by Chris Frazer Smith