Woman has third breast implanted


Jasmine Tridevil, a massage therapist in Tampa, Florida, claims that she had a third breast implanted to get famous, land a reality show, and become "unattractive to men" because she doesn't "want to date anymore."

From CBS Tampa Bay:

…“It was really hard finding someone that would do it because they’re breaking the code of ethics,” she said. The third breast was constructed in the middle of her chest with a silicone implant and skin tissue that was cut from her abdomen. She signed a non-disclosure agreement with the doctor who performed the surgery.

Although the surgeon was unable to make an artificial areola, Tridevil says she fixed that by having it made in a tattoo.

Tridevil said she was filmed when she told her parents about the surgery in hopes that the video will be featured on her own reality show. She says she personally hired the camera crew to film her after more than two years of saving money.

“My mum ran out the door. She won’t talk to me. She won’t let my sister talk to me. My dad … he really isn’t happy … he is kind of ashamed of me but he accepted it,” she said. “My dad is still there for me.”

While some people are calling hoax, Snopes remains unsure.

Here is Jasmine Tridevil's Twitter.

Here's a Real Radio 104.1 interview:

(via The Week)