NYT: Slayer fans rock the House (of Representatives)

Serial internet music developer Rob Lord says, "Here's an actual screenshot from The New York Times website tonight. A divided congress? More like a SLAYER congress."

JPEG Link of full screengrab.

Ah, but if Congress only had *half* as much of a pulse as this photo suggests. The Times has corrected the mixup, and in this photo's place, you'll now see a shot of Speaker Nancy Pelosi waving what might just be the corna handsign at fellow heshers. You'll find the Slayer story here.

Reader comments: Congressional watchdog Sean Bonner says,

REIGN IN BLOOOOD!1!111!!! [ Ed. note: about that. ]

BB reader LA Marlowe reminds us that "satan hands" have been documented on Capitol Hill many times before: Link.