FreeCulture summit on Open Access at NYU, Jan 13

Fred from FreeCulture NYU sez, " will be holding an organization-wide Open Access event in NYC on Jan. 13, 2007 from 12-5pm at NYU. All chapters are invited and encouraged to attend. The event will be free and is open to anyone interested in advocating for Open Access and Free Culture on university campuses. There will be food and refreshments and we're hoping to record the entire session to post online. As opposed to last year's NYC regional summit, this event will be more specific and focused. W'll be tackling the issue of how to advocate for Open Access on university campuses. We want to take action and start targeting faculty and professors whose work is publicly (or university funded) but is published in closed journals that charge exorbitant prices to libraries and students. There is an alternative out there and we want to make sure everyone knows about it. Access to Knowledge isn't just important, it is your right as a student and member of a larger academic community. The event will be interactive, with presentations from influential professionals (PLoS, SPARC, Science Commons) working in the Open Access world followed by smaller working groups."


(Thanks, Fred!)