Kickstarting an Oh Joy Sex Toy book

Oh Joy Sex Toy, our favorite webcomic for perverts, is Kickstarting a book collecting its first year's worth of comics! $10 gets you a PDF, $35 gets you the printed book.

It’s been one year since Oh Joy, Sex Toy started and we’ve collected a mighty 52 strips coming to 220+ book sized pages, all of which you can find and read online here! The purpose of this Kickstarter is to collect these hundreds of pages into a lovely soft cover book that will include everything that appeared online, as well as dozens of pages of brand new comics, essays, and behind-the-scenes peeks at the process of creating OJST. We want to make a beautiful book to give back to our supporters and fans for them to use, share, and love.

Alongside all the work Erika has made for Oh Joy, Sex Toy, we’ve hired different guest artists to help give us alternative comics, bringing a regular splash of fresh humor and a new perspective on the sex world. Finding and paying great artists to showcase their work on OJST is something we’re super proud of. In addition to helping us raise the funds to create the book, we’ll also be raising funds to pay our former guest artists a retroactive bonus per page and afford a greater page rate to our upcoming artists.

Oh Joy, Sex Toy, The Book