Get your Congresscritter to post a time-sheet every work day

The Sunlight Network's Punchclock Campaign is offering $1000 bounties to Americans who get their Congresscritters to publish a time-sheet detailing what they do while they're drawing a salary at tax-payer's expense. They'll also give you $250 if you can get a candidate for Congress to pledge to publish a time sheet if elected.

The Agreement reads:

I believe citizens have a right to know what their Members of Congress does every day.

Starting with the next Congress, I promise to publish my daily official work schedule on the Internet, within 24 hours of the end of every work day. I will include all matters relating to my role as a Member of Congress. I will include all meetings with constituents, other Members, and lobbyists, listed by name. (In rare cases I will withhold the names of constituents whose privacy must be protected.) I will also include all fundraising events. Events will be listed whether Congress is in session or not, and whether I am in Washington, traveling, or in my district.


(Thanks, Micah!)

Update: Dan sez, "I wanted to point out that at both of the government contracting companies I worked at because of government reporting requirements we were to fill out our time sheets within 24 hours. There were audits in place and the company faced penalties were certain standards not met. What's good for the goose is good for the gander."