Lost My Name: custom kids' storybooks plotted around children's names

Asi sez, "Lostmy.name tells the story of a child who has lost his or her name, and who sets off on a marvellous adventure to track down the missing letters. Along the way the child meets lots of weird, occasionally dark, wonderful and wise characters, who all help in the search. Each one has its own funny, surprising story, and each gives the child a letter… The beauty of the book is that every different child’s name creates its own special, personalised tale. So Emily would meet a forgetful Elephant, a rather vain Mermaid, a cold-averse Inuit, a misunderstood Lion and genial Yeti…. You can create, preview, share and order the book on lostmy.name. £18.99 + Free worldwide shipping!"

These are a very clever twist on the traditional "personalized book" gift — they've got enough unique letter-elements, and a storyline where they all dovetail neatly into one another, so that practically every name gets its own unique story. And the art's really wonderful.


(Thanks, Asi!)