Kickstarting an electromechanical prime number calculator sculpture

Karl Lautman sez, "Since Boing Boing liked my domino piece, 'Ouroborus,' back in 2010, I thought you might be interested in another of my pieces: 'Primer,' a sculpture that generates prime numbers. I'll be making it in an edition of 60, assuming it funds on Kickstarter by October 9.

A while ago I picked up a bunch of used electromechanical counters which I was going to use in a piece that I just never got around to making. But instead of unloading them on eBay, I decided to design a piece using a single counter, and then produce it as a series to offer to all of you. This is what I came up with…

…As I said, the counters are used, but they’re in excellent working condition. They all have minor scuffs on them, but really nothing major, and they still look, work, and sound great. This also means that your Primer won’t be starting at zero (which isn’t a prime number anyway), but some prime number between zero and a million. No two will be identical, but they’ll all be signed, dated, and numbered by me on the bottom of the base. Each Primer will also include an international, "wall-wart" power supply.

Primer: A Kinetic Sculpture That Generates Prime Numbers