HOWTO make a fizzing bath bomb

Here's step-by-step instructions for making your own fizzing bath bombs by combining citric acid, baking soda and witch hazel:

step four

Now, this is the difficult part. Spritz (with a squirt bottle) the witch hazel onto your batch while stirring with the other hand. When your batch sticks together when squished, you need to start putting it in molds – time is of the essence. If you wait too long, the mixture will get hard. If you spritz too much, the mixture will be too wet and "grow" (start the fizzing reaction) on you.


(via Fark)

Update: Maggie sez, "there seemed to be something fishy about the ingredients and instructions (like it lists 'witch hazel' as an ingredient (an herb), but then later seems to call for a liquid form — doesn't mention what kind of liquid though). This page has much better instructions, notes about all the ingredients, and pictures of the process."

Update 2: Matt sez, "witch-hazel appears to be the herb/shrub, witch hazel (sans-dash) is the astringent."