(Click image for enlargement.) My fax machine spit out this "survey" asking, "Do you agree with George W. Bush that marriage should only be between a man and a woman?" I'm supposed to check either "yes" or "no" then fax the form back to a 900 number.
The fine print reads as follows: "Calls to 1-900 numbers cost $3.95 per minute, a small price for a greater democracy. Calls take approx 2-3 minutes in standard mode."
The large print says: The result of this nationwide survey will be present to President Bush, Congress and the Supreme Court." That must really impress the suckers who pay $8 to $12 to fax in the form.
Interestingly, the company running this "survey," Direct Fax Survey, is based in London. I wonder if they make much money doing this?