All Tor books are DRM free from today on

Following up from their announcement earlier this year, all ebooks from Tor/Forge — the largest science fiction publisher in the world — are now DRM free, in all ebook stores, for all platforms. I'm incredibly proud to be published by Tor, and moreso today.

“It’s clear to us that this is what our customers want,” said senior editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden. “We see it in the success of SF publishers like Baen and Angry Robot that have preceded us in going DRM-free. To the best of our knowledge we’re the first division of a Big Six publishing conglomerate to go down this road, but we doubt very much that we’ll be the last.”

The new DRM-free editions are available from the same retailers that have sold Tor e-books in the past. In addition, the company expects to begin selling titles through retailers that sell only DRM-free books.

Tor/Forge E-Books Are Now DRM-Free