How To Manage Your Inbox

The following is a paid post from Microsoft:

"Messenger Boys" - Conquer Graymail with Hotmail

Are weekly steampunk paper craft enthusiast newsletters filling up your inbox? Too many daily deals on half-priced crocheted Cthulhu kitty hats? Finding it difficult to respond to those important messages from the co-authors of your Cylon romance fan fiction?

Your inbox is likely filled with graymail. Email you signed up for at some point but don’t always want. Over 80% of the average inbox is made up of social updates, newsletters, and deals. We call this graymail. Sometimes you love these newsletters and notifications but they can easily clog up your inbox making it difficult to find the really important stuff.

Hotmail has introduced some new tools to help identify and manage the graymail in your inbox.

“Sweep” moves emails from multiple senders to a specific folder, or to the trash, and can be easily made into a rule so that the action happens automagically for future messages. Schedule Cleanup will move (or delete) emails as they reach a certain age, or just keep the most recent message from a sender. Imagine all the time you’ll save now that you’re not deleting 24-hour deal emails from three weeks ago; enough to go build that life-sized Minecraft cat-fountain you’ve been planning.

For more on how to conquer the graymail in your inbox, even if you don’t have a Hotmail account, head to