Doc Pop shares the news that our mutual friend Amit Gupta (founder of the terrific online photography shop Photojojo, and lots of other cool photography-related projects) has been diagnosed with leukemia.
"There's a big push on the blogosphere to keep Amit's hospital room filled with postcards and we wanted to help out," Doc writes, "So we've created a special promo code to allow folks to send Amit a free get-well-soon Postagram."
Amit is cheered up by "colorful photos, pizza, crafty projects, and macaroni," Doc says, but mostly the dude just digs great photos. Do send him some JPEG love.
Update: The nice people at Soundcloud are doing something similar, to send audio messages to Amit (thanks, Drew Olanoff).
Amit, here's wishing you a speedy recovery from all of your pals at Boing Boing, and throughout the internet. Lots of love.