Daughter of GOP candidate begs "Please for the love of God do not vote for my dad"

if you’re in michigan and 18+ pls for the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep. tell everyone — STEPH (@streeganz) June 23, 2020 Robert…

Robert Regan is a Republican candidate for a Michigan State House seat. One person who will not be voting for him is his daughter, Stephanie Regan. In a recent post to Twitter she wrote, "if you're in Michigan and 18 + please for the love of god do not vote for my dad for State Rep tell everyone." Her tweet has been retweeted over 37,000 times, and has received almost 183,000 likes.

Robert Regan, who is seeking the GOP nomination, says his daughter has become indoctrinated with radical ideas while at college.

From The Guardian:

“When they go off to college, quite frankly they get involved with these Marxist, socialist universities, and they start getting indoctrinated with things that are completely polar opposite from where you raised them,” Regan told local TV.

Regan, who describes himself on his own website as “so conservative [he] makes Rush Limbaugh look like a liberal,” says he and his daughter have disagreed on systemic racism, white privilege and Black Lives Matter.

“She’s a big believer in that,” he told the Hill. “The only place where I really see systemic racism would be the abortion clinic, because they seem to target the African American community.”