COVID-19 killed the Costco half-sheet cake

This is an outrage. No more Costco half-sheet cakes because coronavirus?! “Costco’s half-sheet cakes, rectangular creations beloved by shoppers for their affordability and freshness, have long been a staple at…

This is an outrage. No more Costco half-sheet cakes because coronavirus?!

“Costco’s half-sheet cakes, rectangular creations beloved by shoppers for their affordability and freshness, have long been a staple at birthday parties, graduations and other large events,” reports Marie Fazio at the New York Times, “But like handshakes and crowded bars, the cakes may have become another casualty of the coronavirus.”

Half-sheet cakes are not currently being sold at any location in the U.S., and the company has no immediate plans to bring them back, Costco said in a statement on Thursday. The bakeries instead will focus on round, 10-inch cakes that “seem to be resonating with our members,” the statement said.

While Costco would not elaborate on the specific reason for discontinuing sales of the half-sheet cake, the company indicated in a response to several customer comments on Facebook that it was related to the coronavirus pandemic. “To help limit personal contact and create more space for social distancing, Costco has reduced service in some departments,” the company wrote. “At this time, we are not making sheet cakes for special order.”

More at the New York Times:
Costco Discontinues Half-Sheet Cake, an Apparent Casualty of Covid-19

[photo: COSTCO]