This speed reading and memory training bundle will help you hotwire your brain for max efficiency

Back in March, when we were all being asked to stay in our homes for God knows how long, you probably thought about a whole host of tasks you’d love…

Back in March, when we were all being asked to stay in our homes for God knows how long, you probably thought about a whole host of tasks you’d love to accomplish with all this new-found downtime in your house.

Like many, maybe you thought this would be a good opportunity to plow through that stack of unread books that have been building up on your bedside table for the past few years now. So…how did that go for you?

If you got through even one, you can count that a success. But you can also consider it a missed opportunity because with the right training, you probably could have ripped through the entire batch.

Speed reading isn’t a superpower. It’s actually a process for onboarding information that anyone can learn. The courses in The Speed Reading and Memory Mastery Bundle can help you sharpen up those skills so you can read exponentially faster, retain more of what you read and even hone your memory to lock more of that information in your brain for longer.

The collection includes five courses that present sound strategies for boosting your reading speed, increasing your comprehension and retention, and improve cognitive function to recall and recite your new-found information even years after learning it.

First, The Ultimate Speed Reading Course is your introduction, breaking down your bad reading habits and teaching you new methods that can, in many cases, boost your current reading speed by at least two to three times. Guided by speed reading experts, the course lays out the five causes of slow reading, the four techniques you can use to reach your maximum reading potential, and even the secret to understanding everything you read the first time.

That gameplan for turning you into a reading speedster is reinforced in the courses Speed Reading Simplified and Speed Reading Mastery: Double Your Reading Speed. Coursework will help you unlock your abilities effectively, ultimately allowing you to whip through memos, emails, technical manuals, and, yes, even your favorite books at warp speed while boosting your comprehension by five, or even 10 times.  Students also learn the 43 specific acts they can start doing right now to read more books faster than they ever thought possible.

Finally, the training shifts focus from your brain’s processor to its storage facilities. After understanding how human memory works, Improve Your Memory teaches time-proven methods for amping up anyone’s recall, and even improving how their brain thinks. 

Meanwhile, Psychology of Memory: Strengthen and Improve Your Memory hones in on the memory process itself, helping drastically cut the time it takes to memorize information, as well as help you effortlessly recall the things you have learned to be a better student, a more powerful speaker, a more savvy businessperson or just pull off some cool memory tricks at parties. 

Each course is a $199 value on its own, but as part of this brain-improvement mega-collection, it’s all less than $10 each, only $49.95.

Prices are subject to change.

Do you have your stay-at-home essentials? Here are some you may have missed.


The Speed Reading & Memory Mastery Bundle – $29.99

Raad like The Flash for $29.99