The Lincoln Project: Today's new ad features Trump and his 'slow the testing down' line

Truth Watch this video on YouTube. The Republicans behind The Lincoln Project are churning out anti-Trump ads on a daily basis, and their latest centers on the one scary truth…

The Republicans behind The Lincoln Project are churning out anti-Trump ads on a daily basis, and their latest centers on the one scary truth that Trump shouted out at his failed Tulsa rally on Saturday: “When you do testing to that extent, you’re gonna find more people, you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people, 'slow the testing down, please.'”

After his handlers tried to say he was just kidding, he corrected them today outside the White House: “I don’t kid," he told reporters when they asked if what he said had been a joke.

"Slow the testing down?" the narrator in the Lincoln Project ad asks. "Slow down our chance to save tens of thousands of lives. Slow down our understanding of where Covid is and how it's spreading. Slow down our steps to reopen our economy. Every single expert told him to test more and test faster. And now we know his response."