'My uncle from Romania just built this out of recycled old parts from everyday objects'

These amazing creations are the work of Mihai Armeanu Rosin, a retired chef turned mad tinkerer in Romania whose nephew posted about them on IMGUR. You can purchase them! Hey…

These amazing creations are the work of Mihai Armeanu Rosin, a retired chef turned mad tinkerer in Romania whose nephew posted about them on IMGUR.

You can purchase them!

Hey guys, so my uncle used to be a chef and about 2 years ago decided to follow his true, original passion, art. He builds these by making the parts mechanically fit together, so he doesn't use any glue. Besides building these models, he also paints, draws and is an infinite pool of imagination and creativity. Everything he does is original, born inside his very own mind. But he is too humble for his own good, and feels that promoting his artwork would be bragging of some sort. I disagree, that's why I am showing you guys his latest creation.

You can find more of his artwork on his facebook page.

And on his Instagram.

The photos are not edited, this is exactly how the thing looks.

I want one!