Get over 90 hours of elite Python programming training for just $40

It’s impossible for anyone to truly escape the effects our COVID-19 lifestyle changes have made, but if you’re a web developer, there’s a decent chance your work life might be…

It’s impossible for anyone to truly escape the effects our COVID-19 lifestyle changes have made, but if you’re a web developer, there’s a decent chance your work life might be virtually unchanged. 

Even before the quarantines and work-from-home orders, over 16 percent of web developers were already self-employed. And with a growing number of tech companies, including Twitter and Facebook, already allowing or anticipating a day when most of their workforce will work remotely, it’s increasingly a high paying position you can perform almost anywhere.

For those looking to join their ranks, be smart. Not only is the Python coding language one of the most popular programming tools, but its versatility and connection with emerging technologies also make it a natural addition to any developer’s skill set. With The Epic Python Developer Certification Bundle, those hoping to get hired will find a foundation and a starting point to kickstart a new career.

While one of the most user-friendly languages around, Python learning does require some effort — as this 12-course package with more than 90 hours of rigorous training proves.  But once you’re up to speed with this primer collection, you’ll be ready to get hired in a variety of interesting new roles.

The Python for Beginners: Learn Python from Scratch and Learning Python 3 Programming for the Absolute Beginner courses get the training started right, introducing students to the basic structure and commands that make Python a favored choice among coders. These beginners-guide courses cover Python basics like variables, strings, and operators while helping newbies become comfortable using Python to solve problems with hands-on practice exercises with fully explained solutions that make the language truly accessible.

After getting their feet wet, students will move on to more complex Python lessons in courses like Learn Python 3 from Beginner to Advanced and Python 3 Complete Masterclass: Make Your Job Tasks Easier. Here, students get real-life skills in Excel automation, data analysis and visualizations, web scraping, and more.

Now with a firm grasp on what Python can do, various additional courses expand that training, helping students understand its key role in data science, how Python can serve as the backbone of a strong networking system; and even in creating your own customized set of penetration testing tools to make sure your systems and devices are fully secured.

Normally priced at $1,794, the entire 12-course collection is on sale now for a fraction of that price, just $39.96.

Prices are subject to change.


The Epic Python Developer Certification Bundle – $39.96

Get it now for $39.96