Is 2020 over yet?

Climate change, growing inequality, systemic racism, militarized police, rising fascism, Covid-19 pandemic, plagues of locusts. From, a list of 2020's bad news to date. January More than 20% of…

Climate change, growing inequality, systemic racism, militarized police, rising fascism, Covid-19 pandemic, plagues of locusts. From, a list of 2020's bad news to date.

  • More than 20% of Australia's forest is lost to forest fires.[>]
  • World War III is barely averted after US aggression.[>]
  • Africa is plagued by unprecedented locust swarms.[>]
  • The UK withdraws from the European Union.[>]
  • The 2020 Tokyo Olympics are postponed due to COVID-19.[>]
  • COVID-19 is declared a global pandemic. Hundreds of thousands die. [>]
  • Schengen borders are closed, halting European travel.
  • Global public air traffic comes to a halt.
  • Mecca sits eerily empty, despite Ramadan.
  • Pentagon releases UFO footage.
  • White people riot to get haircuts.
  • 1986 sent a "Miss Me?" as a wildfire in the radioactive forests around Chernobyl caused radiation to spike 20-fold.
  • Eurovision Song Contest is cancelled.
  • Microsoft breaks Windows via update, again.
  • Locusts now sweep India and Pakistan.
  • The murder of George Floyd sparks protests & riots throughout the US.
  • A new Ebola outbreak was declared in Mbandaka, Congo, where no cases had been found since 2018.