Get over 140 hours of online piano lessons for less than $40

Maybe you had a piano teacher as a kid that drove you off the instrument forever. Or maybe you always wished for some serious training, but never found the time.…

Maybe you had a piano teacher as a kid that drove you off the instrument forever. Or maybe you always wished for some serious training, but never found the time.

Whether you have dreams of tossing off a Beethoven or Chopin piece at the drop of a hat or you have visions of being the next Ray Charles, The Ultimate Piano Bundle: From Beginner to Advanced course bundle was created to turn an interested, invested novice into a functioning, then studied master of the keys in record time.

This collection includes 10 courses with a massive 140-plus hours of training dedicated to helping you not only learn to play the piano but understand the instrument, read music, compose and generally become a real, honest-to-goodness musician.

Nobody was to get buried in scholastics before they ever touch the keys, so this training kicks off with the Ultimate Piano Course: Go from a Beginner/Average to an Advanced Pianist. Starting from the beginning, the class can make you a proficient player through over 30 hours of training. The course explains the hows and whys of music theory, walks students through the entire keypad, including chord progressions, and generally immerses first-timers in a world of music.

The next step is the Intermediate/Advanced Piano Course: Enhance Your Musical/Piano Skills as your basic skills are tested with an expanded variety of lessons to push your abilities even further. 

But since playing is only a piece of the piano experience, the collection includes courses in learning to tackle the music pages themselves. How to Read and Write Music to Play Piano and Other Instruments delves into actually understanding how to read music as well as the fundamentals to start crafting compositions of your own.

Further training unpacks how to create unique, borrowed even altered chord progressions as well as identifying the different attributes of a melody, so it becomes that much easier to craft a catchy one for your songs.

Finally, you even get a pair of courses on ear training so you can always pick out keynotes immediately, develop a strong sense of pitch, and generally know your way around music like you’ve never known it before.

Putting yourself through each of these courses separately would run you $200 apiece, but right now, the complete collection is on sale for just $34.99, less than $3.50 per course.

Prices are subject to change.


The Ultimate Piano Bundle: From Beginner to Advanced – $34.99

Play the piano for $34.99