And now, a coronavirus message from Soviet Unterzoegersdorf

What do we have here? Why, it's the 73rd Communique of the CPSUZOeD (May 2020), a rare video release from Soviet Unterzoegersdorf, with an important message about the coronavirus pandemic.…

What do we have here? Why, it's the 73rd Communique of the CPSUZOeD (May 2020), a rare video release from Soviet Unterzoegersdorf, with an important message about the coronavirus pandemic.

Sent to Boing Boing by way of art-prankster Johannes Grenzfurthner, who informs us that the video was originally recorded for "Der Standard Corona-Stage."

If you don't know about Soviet Unterzoegersdorf, there's a Wikipedia page about them here.

[WATCH: DailyMotion, Vimeo]