Bars fill up with thirsty patrons after Wisconsin court strikes down stay-at-home order

A lot of people in Wisconsin are very happy that its Supreme Court invalidated the governor's stay at home order. CBS News reports that they flocked to bars and pubs…

A lot of people in Wisconsin are very happy that its Supreme Court invalidated the governor's stay at home order. CBS News reports that they flocked to bars and pubs to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon and breathe aerosolized saliva into each others' lungs.

The video from Nick's Bar shows patrons packed together, dancing and banging on the bar top. The video received nearly 60,000 views on Twitter before the tweet was deleted. And Nick's is not the only Wisconsin establishment to receive a flood of visitors.

CBS Milwaukee affiliate WDJT was at Buzzard's Nest in West Allis, which was filled with people who were eager to get out of the house after more than a month of isolation.

One bar-goer, Hayden Krueger, said he feels safe and was happy to get out. "It's been kinda boring sitting in my house, I love my fiancée but there's only so much we can handle from each other without having interaction with other people," Krueger told WDJT.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may be on a ventilator.

Image: CBS News screengrab