New rules for Las Vegas casinos promise a grim, joyless experience

I despise everything about Las Vegas — the garish resorts, the horrible city planning that makes it no fun to walk anywhere, the overpriced "fine dining," and the oppressive layer…

I despise everything about Las Vegas — the garish resorts, the horrible city planning that makes it no fun to walk anywhere, the overpriced "fine dining," and the oppressive layer of sterile corporatism that guarantees no surprises or delight. But that's just me, some people love the place. I wonder if Vegas aficionados are going to still love it when they saunter back in the newly reopened casinos and discover that the buffets are gone, 6-foot physical distancing policies are enforced, gambling areas are divided up with plexiglass barriers, and employees are required to wear facemasks and gloves?

[via Hollywood Reporter]

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Las Vegas photo by John Such on Unsplash