Goat army roams East San Jose

Firefighting goats break free and roam San Jose neighborhood

Firefighting goats break free and roam San Jose neighborhood Watch this video on YouTube. 200 goats escaped from an enclosure in East San Jose and quickly conquered its East Foothills…

200 goats escaped from an enclosure in East San Jose and quickly conquered its East Foothills neighborhood Tuesday evening, according to reports from the street. A local resident, Terry Roelands, told reporters that he regularly employs the goats to clear brush behind his house, but this time they broke free and descended upon the city.

"When I got back from the store all the goats had broken through the fence and were recking havoc on our street," wrote Zach Roelands on Twitter. "This is the craziest thing to happen all quarantine."

Tag yourself; I'm the goat grabbing a quick snack 41s in.