Those weird dirty records in our parents' basement: Belle Barth's Scary 'Adults Only' LP — and SMURF HEIST: "That Day, at Age 6, When I Broke Into a Friend's House to Steal a Gargamel Figurine"

Spoken Word with Electronics is an audio series delivering to you a two side recording of unusual stories paired with vintage modular electronic sounds Greetings, all — I hope you're…

Spoken Word with Electronics is an audio series delivering to you a two side recording of unusual stories paired with vintage modular electronic sounds

Greetings, all — I hope you're doing well. This week, the episode discusses smut and theft, as perceived by my own mind at age five and six. Enjoy a time warp back in the late 1970s as you find a Belle Barth album, are given a tour of Aurora, Colorado, and break into a friend's house to get that Gargamel toy.

RIP Jerry Stiller. A great comedian. He played the Borscht Belt in many of the same clubs as Belle Barth, incidentally. Here's this week's show:

SPOKEN WORD WITH ELECTRONICS #9: Belle Barth's Dirty Jewish Jokes and THE 1980 SMURF HEIST

You can now follow Spoken Word with Electronics on Apple Podcasts.

Talk with you next week. Keep your Belle Barth albums close, and your Gargamels closer! — Ethan