Elon Musk to CA factory employees: Back to work. Gov. Newsom: This may violate public health order

Elon Musk told employees at Tesla's California factory that they are back to normal in a company email. Governor Gavin Newsom says he's looking into the electric car company's reopening…

Elon Musk told employees at Tesla's California factory that they are back to normal in a company email. Governor Gavin Newsom says he's looking into the electric car company's reopening as a potential violation of a public health order.

Tesla on Monday told employees at its one and only U.S.-based factory to return to work just a few days after local officials said the plant must remain closed as lockdown measures remain in effect to curb the spread of COVID-19.

“We’re happy to get back to work and have implemented very detailed plans to help you keep safe as you return,” the email from Tesla to Fremont factory workers said.

The governor said it’s ultimately up to the Alameda County Health Department to assess or execute any enforcement actions at Tesla, if people are working there before officials have given Elon Musk's company approval to reopen.

He says possibly as early as next week, Tesla would be permitted to resume work.

Newsom said he's known Musk for "many, many years" and respects the company. He heaped praise on Musk and Tesla during the Monday afternoon press conference.


Musk said on Twitter recently he plans to move Tesla out of California and into Nevada and/or Texas, because Newsom wasn't loosening coronavirus restrictions quickly enough for Musk's liking.