Land and sea creatures at Texas State Aquarium keep each other entertained

As the line goes "you don't know what you've got til it's gone." The land and sea critters at the Texas State Aquarium were wondering where all of the loud…

As the line goes "you don't know what you've got til it's gone." The land and sea critters at the Texas State Aquarium were wondering where all of the loud and annoying 2-leggeds went. Figuring they might be missing the limelight, the staff decided to let the sea animals meet some of the land animals.

The dolphins seemed to find Chico the sloth particularly amusing. Something tells me Chico may not have been super-excited to meet the inhabitants of the shark tank.

Read more and see a video of Chico touring the aquarium on Bored Panda.

The also let puppies from a local humane society have a day at the aquarium.

Puppies Visit the Texas State Aquarium

Image: Screengrab