Here's how to harness the power of AI to help you screen unwanted spam calls for good

Your phone rings, and you get a little rush of excitement. Maybe it’s a friend. Maybe it’s a family member. Maybe it’s somebody you haven’t spoken to in a while…

Your phone rings, and you get a little rush of excitement. Maybe it’s a friend. Maybe it’s a family member. Maybe it’s somebody you haven’t spoken to in a while looking to reconnect. It’s a split second surge of adrenaline, pregnant with the hope of infinite promise.

Then, you look at your screen and…the spell is broken. It’s a damn telemarketer. Or a spammer. Or some other call you’ll wholeheartedly avoid. Now, you’re actively disappointed. Or annoyed. Or angry. Or all three. And that doesn’t even cover the time-wasting calls from unknown numbers.

CallHero Spam Call Blocker is a digital secretary that weeds out all those unsolicited calls that not only burn time but can actually put your data security at risk.

CallHero isn’t just a call blocker. It’s a smart, learning AI screening service that intelligently assesses, then deals with calls from numbers you don’t know, the first such AI-powered app in Apple’s App Store.

When you see a number you don’t recognize, you can kick it to CallHero’s next-gen technology. CallHero will actually screen the call, determine if it’s legit, then dump scammers or put real callers through to your ringer. So even if a high-tech spammer or robocaller has spoofed a number, CallHero will catch it and deal with it accordingly.

So far, CallHero has a solid track record, blocking nearly 100 percent of spam calls through traditional call filtering methods, then allowing the AI to correctly handle the rest with over 90 percent accuracy.

You can even personalize your CallHero secretary’s voice from friendly and personable to strictly professional for business lines. There’s also a feature that allows you to whitelist certain keywords, so if a caller says one of those magic words, CallHero will immediately usher them through to you personally.

As for your information, all data is fully encrypted and stored on your device, meaning CallHero will never leave your sensitive information compromised.

Regularly priced at $249.99 for a lifetime subscription, you can now enlist CallHero at 80 percent off that total, only $49.99.