‘I’m not going to be ruled by commonsense precautions’ — comedian Brent Terhune spoofs MAGA 'rona ralliers

Face Masks Watch this video on YouTube. “They want us to where a face mask??? I DONT THANK SO.” “I'm not gonna be ruled by common sense precautions to keep…

“They want us to where a face mask??? I DONT THANK SO.”

“I'm not gonna be ruled by common sense precautions to keep everyone safe and healthy!”

Brent Terhune does a very good Southern Redneck Guy Who Watches Fox News, and he's recently taken on the MAGA/White Nationalist/???? types gathering in weird astroturfy rallies around the U.S., which may or may not be funded by some political group or something.

More of Brent's very spot-on recent work below.

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