Death Valley National Park rangers seeking rock-defacing vandal

Someone keeps writing "Steve & Lacy were here" on rocks in Death Valley National Park. Park rangers suspect "Steve" is a gentleman from Grand Forks, British Columbia and that Lacy…

Someone keeps writing "Steve & Lacy were here" on rocks in Death Valley National Park. Park rangers suspect "Steve" is a gentleman from Grand Forks, British Columbia and that Lacy is his unwitting canine companion.

From National Parks Traveler:

Graffiti and other forms of damage to parks is illegal. The “Steve & Lacy” graffiti was found on rocks and historic structures in Echo Canyon, Butte Valley, Homestake Dry Camp, and Crankshaft Junction. Defacing any part of the national park degrades the experience of other visitors. Repair of vandalized sites is costly and time consuming, and often cannot restore the site to its former condition in some cases permanently defacing unique historic sites or natural features.

“It is heartbreaking to see treasures like Death Valley National Park get damaged by intentional acts such as these,” said Superintendent Mike Reynolds. “We ask park visitors to help us find those who should be held responsible, and thank hard working park rangers for efforts to prevent further damage.”

The National Park Service has a tip line: call or text: 888-653-0009; visit and click “Submit a Tip,” or email

Images: National Park Service