Become the author you always dreamed you'd be with this creative writing training

While many people are taking this strange "time off" to unplug, decompress, and practice mindfulness, some instead are making the most of their extra hours to tackle goals ranging from odd jobs, like finally fixing that leaky shower head, to lifelong dreams—like actually writing that book they've always wanted to. If you fancy yourself a literary social distancing superstar, then this Digital Creative Fiction Writing Certification Bundle is perfect for you.

Now is a particularly good time to rekindle your love of writing, because having a creative outlet during a crisis can help your overall wellness and decrease anxiety by giving your wildly-running imagination something to better focus on. As Deepak Chopra said, “The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety.” Even when you're not in the midst of a pandemic, creativity can improve your health.

With this bundle of 4 online courses, you'll get reacquainted with the basics of what makes good fiction writing good, get your creative juices flowing in the right direction, and learn the steps involved in getting your book published. In total, there are 128 hours of training content from Write Academy that over 200k students have gone through. The Academy features an elite team of bestselling authors, editors, and publishers that have designed courses to help you get on the path to your own professional fiction writing career.

Write Fiction Online Course

To start, you'll cover the key facets of fiction writing: character, plot, setting, dialogue, narrative voice, and genre via 14 interactive online modules that encourage you to start work on your novel from day one. The Write Fiction Online Course includes industry knowledge on how to negotiate with agents and publishers.

From there, the bundle hones in on a few popular niches—children's books and young adult or YA fiction—including the most lucrative of all: romance.

Write For Children Online Course

In the course specializing on lit for the kiddos, you'll learn the vital ingredients that are present in every single successful children’s book, as well as the private routines, rituals, and productivity techniques children’s authors use to beat procrastination and write book after book.

Write Romance Fiction Online Course

Want to focus on raking in the dough with romance fiction? The 14 lessons in this specialized course teach you everything you need to know to write, self-promote, and get published in this genre even outside of novels, including the inner workings of successful novellas, short stories, magazine articles, and anthologies.

Write Young Adult Fiction Online Course

If YA is more your jam, you'll thoroughly enjoy this course that helps you break into the genre that brought us Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Twilight, and Divergent. It's comprehensive yet easy to follow and shows you how to generate winning ideas and turn them into polished stories using the formulas present in successful YA books. You'll learn story planning, pacing, how to incorporate themes, and even gain some effective techniques for overcoming writer’s block as well.

Check out what students are saying about Write Academy:

"There is no way I would have made it this far without the industry knowledge and writing tips I learned." – Kimberly Waltman, author of Bright or Blue

"This is a must-do course. [I]t boosted my self-esteem and I have actually nearly finished my first book." – Denise Pike

The 64-lesson Digital Creative Fiction Writing Certification Bundle is available now for $29.96, a savings of 97%.

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