Now is the time to launch your great podcast idea. These steps can help make it a success.

Been noodling around with a podcast idea for…what, years now? Well, it’s time to get serious, people. There is no time like right now to work out all the logistics…

Been noodling around with a podcast idea for…what, years now? Well, it’s time to get serious, people. There is no time like right now to work out all the logistics of turning your marinating idea into an actual real, profitable podcast.

And no, that isn’t a mistake. It could actually be a profitable enterprise. According to Bloomberg, several top podcasts make more than $1 million a year. In fact, The Daily, a podcast created by the New York Times, cleared more than $10 million in advertising in 2018.

Sure, you won’t be launching with the prestige and power of journalism’s foremost publication behind you, but with the training in The Start-to-Finish Guide to Launching a Successful Podcast Bundle, you’ll know just how to get your podcast idea off the ground and immediately headed toward a sustainable future.

With the nine classes and nearly 40 hours of instruction offered here, your vision can start falling into place. Start Your Own Podcast and The Podcast Masterclass start the conversation about where to begin to record, edit, publish, grow, and monetize a podcast. If you’re worried about the technical side, Podcasting in 24 Hours: Setup, Record & Podcast in 1 Day discusses which equipment you’ll need and Music Production in Logic Pro X: Audio Mixing for Podcasts examines the audio mixing and editing that will make your podcast sing.

But people aren’t listening for your technical skills. The Complete Presentation and  Public Speaking Course will help polish your delivery as a podcast host; Putting Yourself Out There focuses on ways to inject more of yourself and your authenticity into your shows; and Podcasting 101: How to Interview Your Heroes Online has some tried and true tips for how to land some top-level guests for your growing podcast.

The Mind Mapping Mastery Course will help you memorize facts for faster recall, which will come in handy in the middle of a podcast; and finally, the Social Media Marketing: Content Marketing Masterclass 2020 course looks at the critical avenues for building a powerful online presence for your show, even without selling a single ad.

What took some of the industry’s best podcasters years to pick up, you could learn in the course of a few days with this training. Right now, this collection is available for over 90 percent off the regular price, only $44.91.