Here's what's in the CDC and FEMA plan to reopen America

• Trump intent on "reopening" some U.S. states within weeks, ignoring medical experts and the state's rights the GOP is generally so concerned with. The Washington Post reports today on…

Trump intent on "reopening" some U.S. states within weeks, ignoring medical experts and the state's rights the GOP is generally so concerned with. The Washington Post reports today on FEMA and CDC draft plan that enables him to do this.

Late on Tuesday, right after we learned that Trump is halting WHO funding even as Americans die by the thousands of coronavirus — the Washington Post is reporting that the CDC and FEMA have created a plan to reopen America.

Impeached and manifestly unfit president President Trump wants a final detailed plan on reopening the country right now, so he can order some states to reopen May 1, officials said.

Note: He has no such power, though he falsely claimed to have ultimate authority.

It guides state and local governments on how they can ease mitigation efforts and move from drastic restrictions like stay-at-home orders in a phased way to support a safe reopening. CDC and FEMA officials have worked on the public health response for at least the past week, and the resulting document by the two agencies has been discussed at the White House including by members of the coronavirus task force, according to two administration officials speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

Other agencies and White House officials have drafted similar planning documents, a White House aide said. The version obtained by The Post appears to be an early draft by FEMA and contains granular instructions for a phased reopening of institutions such as schools, child-care facilities, summer camps, parks, faith-based organizations and restaurants.

Within the White House, one senior administration official said, Trump has been so insistent on the reopening that some officials worry only a narrow window exists to provide information to change the president’s mind or to ensure that the effort to reopen does not significantly add to the country’s still rising number of infections and deaths. The president has not committed to following the guidelines delineated in the draft.

(…) The public health response portion of “A Framework for Re-Opening America” is dated April 10. It runs 36 pages. An 11-page executive summary called “Focus on the Future — Going to Work for America” was the subject of discussions last week by FEMA and CDC officials, among others.

Read more at The Washington Post:
CDC, FEMA have created a plan to reopen America. Here’s what it says.

[Lena H. Sun, Josh Dawsey and William Wan ]