Get lifetime access to 1K+ premium online courses for just $59

Can't sit still during the pandemic? You're not alone. Many folks are using their social distancing time to decompress and zone out on Tiger King, some even pushing back against…

Can't sit still during the pandemic? You're not alone. Many folks are using their social distancing time to decompress and zone out on Tiger King, some even pushing back against the idea of being productive. But plenty of others find themselves bored, restless, and in need of projects and goals, somewhere to direct their energy. If productivity is what you crave, there is surely no time like the present to make the most of that urge: You've got hours to fill and over 1000 premium online classes (and counting) are available now for only $59.

Join over 550k satisfied students on the StackSkills platform where you'll get access to courses that will help you master today's most in-demand skills. Subject matter runs from beginner to advanced and covers IT, coding, graphic design, blockchain, growth hacking, iOS development, finance, business, marketing, and much more, with new classes added every month.

Use StackSkills to teach yourself something that will make you first in line for a promotion or send your resume to the top of the pile when applying for jobs. Thanks to up-to-date information in courses most relevant to today's markets and excellent teachers leading the way (350+ of the web's top instructors, all experts in their fields), you can even leverage your StackSkills access into a side hustle in an area you currently know very little about.

As you move through the platform and individual lessons, you'll find easy-to-use progress tracking, course certifications, quarterly instructor Q&A webinars, real-life applications and examples of theoretical skills, sample projects, and more. There's even premium customer support, should you run into any issues along the way.

Do something productive with all that extra energy you have—invest in your personal and career growth while you have the time and the tools you need are on price drop. Normally on sale for $299.99 (80% off the MSRP of $1495), StackSkills Unlimited: Lifetime Access is available now for just $59, a total savings of 96%.